Our sawmill today

High quality, research, green technology

Valle Sacra sawmill processes local timber. We produce semi-finished and finished products. Our mill is a specialized mill producing timber roof trusses, interior and exterior wood cladding, rustic wood flooring and garden furniture. We sell tailor-made products as well as standard products.



Azienda oggi otto

Our story

High quality, research, green technology

Valle Sacra Sawmill was founded in 2006 to develop a fully functioning local wood industry. The local wood industry was partially working due to the creation of a cooperative operating in the forestry sector and to the production of wood poles for agriculture and environmental engineering. Our aim is to value noble wood that spontaneusly grows in our forest.


Contact us

If you wish to contact us, send an e mail to info@segheriavallesacra.it If you wish to contact us, send an e mail to


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How to reach us

General directions


Segheria Valle Sacra

Via Castelnuovo Nigra, 19
10081 Castellamonte (To)
Tel e Fax +39 0124.517239
P.Iva 09331870015


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